Getting to Eleuthera & What to Pack

Getting to Eleuthera & What to Pack

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Simply getting to Eleuthera is an adventure, as there are no direct flights into the island from where we live. We took a puddle jumper and the pilot let the children sit in the co-pilot seat!

If you’d like to prepare your child for a puddle jumper, there are a few things to know:

  1. They will weigh you and your luggage. This may make your child nervous, but you can explain that they do this to be SAFE.

  2. They may also make you sit in assigned seating to evenly distribute the weight. That means your child may not get to sit next to the person of his/her choice, so prepare for that.

  3. It’s very loud once the plane gets going. It’s a lot louder than a regular plane!

  4. You will be low enough to look out the window and see boats and islands (and clouds, of course) so it would be cool to have googlemaps or a paper map available so your child could identify what you’re flying over.

  5. It’s a lot bumpier than a regular plane. This might be concerning for some children, but you can alleviate fears beforehand.

What to pack:

My best advice for what to pack can be summed up in a word: CASUAL CLOTHES. Like, reeeeeeal casual. There are a few (one?) dressy restaurants on the island and some on Harbour Island, too, but most of Eleuthera is very casual. We lived in our bathing suits. However, the locals are modest, so I would suggest decent coverups.

Many beaches have exposed coral areas that are great for exploring, but they are SHARP, so water shoes are a must. I know. They’re so dorky, but trust me, you’ll want them.


Snorkels are a must. We don’t use the fins, but you totally could. Our children can’t go that far, so we don’t need them (yet). We snorkeled at every beach and always saw something!

Sneakers & flip flops. Sneakers are great for the bat caves and just playing around. We prefer to have our children wear sneakers through the airports just because flip flops and little feet are sometimes not a good match.

If possible, check a bag and bring sunscreen. You can buy it on the island, but it’s very expensive and probably won’t be the brand/strength you want. The same goes for any food that you must have. If your child will only eat Fruit Loops, pack it. The “big” store could be far away (45 min) depending on where you’re staying, and the little stores will have cereal, but might not have Fruit Loops. See our ice cream story for some reference!

Car or booster seat. I’ve been to Eleuthera probably 10 times, and have NEVER seen a kid in a booster seat. Truthfully, we didn’t bring a booster, although I considered buying this one, but if you need peace of mind, then it’s worth lugging through the airport. The reason I didn’t bring one is because a few times our rental car didn’t even have seatbelts…

Water safety gear. We brought our puddle jumper and our house had 2 boogie boards for use. The laws are different down there; for example pools are not required to have fence enclosures. That meant our 3 year old had access to the pool at all times, which was nerve-wracking. I made him wear his puddle jumper at all times at the house, like a crazy woman. My family thought I was being extreme, but I would rather be called crazy than face a drowning.

The last thing to pack is your sense of adventure. This is an out island. Your rental car might have holes in the floor. You might find a giant hermit crab walking across your kitchen and lizards in the house. The health clinic might only be open on Tuesdays. You may lose electricity for no reason… relax… it’s island life! (PS- all of these examples actually happened to us.)

It’s definitely an experience to take children to an out island. It takes some work and flexibility, but it’s so different than taking them to a resort. They’ll live a little more free and wild, and really get to soak in some family & nature time, and you’ll make memories that will last a lifetime!

Snapshots of 2019

Snapshots of 2019

Sky Beach, Eleuthera, Bahamas

Sky Beach, Eleuthera, Bahamas