All tagged nature

Exploring Nature's Wonders

What is it about nature that makes kids —and adults— want to collect, examine and even display? I don’t know. But I do believe there are few things more rewarding than letting children immerse themselves in all kinds of nature’s wonders.

Imaginative Play in Nature

A great way to encourage and increase imaginative play is to change up the setting. When's the last time you let your children play in the woods? This ranks as one of my top "things to do with kids" and I bet it will become one of yours, too! Armed with rubber-tipped toy bows and arrows while we crashed deafeningly through the woods, the children went “hunting” for tigers and wolves in the Five Mile Woods in Lower Makefield Township, Pennsylvania.

Snow Day Magic

I see a glittering, magical world blanketed in snow, telling me to stay warm, stay inside, snuggle in pjs all day, and I don’t ever want to mar that pristine whiteness. Somehow my children get the opposite message: they see a blank canvas calling for footprints, tracks, snow angels, snow forts, battles, and snowmen.