Time Flies... Missing These Long, Sticky, Wonderful Days

Time Flies... Missing These Long, Sticky, Wonderful Days

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These pictures are from March 2013, and we went specifically for a photo shoot, which is why Jack and Maria are wearing coordinating outfits (that’s not something I usually did). They had a wonderful time playing on this beach, and although it’s been about seven years since I took these pictures, I remember this day like it was yesterday.

Do you ever feel like time is FLYING? I can remember packing up— diapers, wipes, snacks, bottle, formula, burp cloth, change of clothes, sippy cup, stroller, baby carrier… at the time it seemed like so much work just to get out of the house. They were so needy. They were so helpless. So dependent. So clingy. I used to joke about having barnacles stuck to me.

The days with babies and toddlers are long. Sooooooo loooooooong. You never have a minute to yourself. You need a break, but never get one. By the end (or start?) of the day you're covered in spit-up, drool, and unidentified sticky something. But...

But looking at these pictures I miss that time. I miss their snuggles. I miss their sticky fingers. I miss their shirts having drool rings and hair having oatmeal in it. I miss their chubby little fingers on my face and neck, and the way they would lean into me and put their arms around my neck as I held them. I miss their wet kisses. I miss being their entire world.

To all the mommas in the thick of the baby and toddler years, hang in there. I know it’s exhausting. I know you’re tired, and the laundry isn’t done, and the dishes aren’t done, and dinner isn’t done, and you just want to go to the bathroom alone. I know.

But I also know… without a doubt… you will miss these days.

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