Heart & Home Mom

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Imaginative Play in Nature

We visit the Five Mile Woods pretty often. It’s only a few minutes from our house, has a large enough area of woods to feel like you’ve actually entered the woods, and is usually pretty deserted. We’ve encountered only a few people in all our visits there.

Typically we do one of the trail loops, which are easy to navigate and don’t take too long. Sometimes we just let the children play.

This week they were really inspired by bows and arrows. I’m not sure why.

First we tried to make our own with sticks from the backyard, string and bungie cords. That resulted in me having an eye swollen shut for two days. Motherhood. Then I went to a local store and checked out real hunting bows and arrows, but as I imagined one child shooting another, my heart froze. I opted for these toy wooden bows and arrows. The arrows do shoot, but not far, not fast, and the real-looking rubber tip doesn’t hurt. Perfect.

The children were convinced they would shoot an animal. Danny was sure he would get a tiger, bear, or wolf. Jack and Maria were slightly more reasonable thinking they might kill a fox or robin. Yes, a 3-inch flying robin. Never mind that they’ve never practiced aiming an arrow before, the tips are rubber, and we’re not a hunting family… the most they’ve ever killed before is a fly. Never mind that one of them (Jack) is upset when I kill spiders in the house. And mostly, never mind that they walk though the woods “calling” the animals in hilariously awful imitations of animal sounds at the top of their voices while crashing through the underbrush. Stealth attack!

I tried to stay back and give the children lots of space to get lost in imaginative play, and they did. It reminded me of when I was a girl: one of our houses backed up to the woods and my siblings and I played Robin Hood for hours. There’s something special about the forest and a well-chosen prop that allows you to transform into someone else, right?

This wonderful adventure ended with Danny sobbing -sobbing- because we didn’t kill anything. My precious, sweet, mellow boy. It really was a great adventure, but I can’t help looking at the three of them with some suspicion and worry, and deciding to redouble my efforts in teaching the Golden Rule and kindness to all of God’s creatures (except spiders).

So tell me, do you let your children get lost in nature and imaginative play? If you haven’t tried it, you really should! You don’t even have to buy anything. Let them wear their favorite costume, or bring a stuffed animal, or their favorite vehicles… the possibilities are endless!

Then step back. Melt away. Let them be in charge. Let them decide the play. Let their imaginative world take over. Maybe you could read a book! Just kidding. We all know the second you crack that spine it’s all over. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of their happiness, and enjoy the feeling of doing something good for everyone’s souls.