Heart & Home Mom

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A 5th Birthday to Remember... Despite Taking It Easy

Ok… ever feel like birthdays are just too much? Too much time, planning, work, money? I’m here to tell you that although I LOVE birthdays, you can put your mom guilt aside and take it down a notch. Please realize this goes against everything in my being. But if I can do it, so can you!

I can’t believe our sweet boy is FIVE!

Turning 5 is a big deal! It’s a whole hand! For our other two five-year-birthdays I may have cried a bit in the days leading up. And had big parties. And stressed (and loved it) about the details. One of the drawbacks to living in a foreign country is that celebrations are usually just us. No party, no family, no friends (I mean, we have friends here, but not good enough to invite, know what I mean?). So… instead of doing my usual invitations, decorating, food planning, running around to make everything perfect, we just took it easy for this one!

Danny was king for the day, and chose a chicken nugget and edamame picnic dinner in the living room. He requested a vanilla cake with chocolate icing. Maria decorated it beautifully with blue icing (his favorite color) and colorful candles. He felt soooo special getting to make all these choices!

Letting Go

It’s hard to LET GO. Is this the cake I would have made? No… but I often think about what’s more important: to do things my type A way, or to let our children have a turn creating their visions?

Danny wanted to go to the paint-your-own-pottery place because when we were there for Maria’s birthday he had trouble deciding between a plane and shark (he chose the plane); he was thrilled the shark was there for his birthday!

He added stripes and said it was a tiger shark. Danny was very careful to paint the gums red… fierce! I l love that pencil grip and those little painted nails! While the boys waited for Maria to finish painting, they were allowed to walk down to Cobs Bread alone!!! They each chose an enormous cinnamon bun. YUM!

Opening presents was so fun! Danny got a LOT of GREAT gifts! He also got a lot of money from aunts, uncles, and grandparents. The presents came with a sweet note from Maria and carefully-drawn wrapping paper from Jack.

It was a wonderful weekend. It was fun. Causal. Easy. Filled with love. I didn’t go nuts with decorating, or cooking, or any of the stuff you’re “supposed” to do… and you know what? It was still, according to the birthday boy, the “BEST! DAY! EVER!”

I’d love to hear about a time you relaxed your self-imposed standards and ended up with a result just as enjoyable!

Oh, Danny boy, oh, Danny boy, we love you so!

Danny’s birthday weekend was the last weekend before the Corona/covid lock down. We were finally able to pick up the pottery in June, and the results are wonderful!